Thursday, May 7, 2020

A Shared Treasure

Raise you hand if you have spent some of your quarantined time cleaning out closets. I jokingly say that I could open my own thrift store with the treasures I have set aside to donate when my favorite charitable organizations resume operation. My mother, too, has done some closets and found something she knew I would love. Look at this beautiful teacup and saucer. 

Look very closely toward the bottom of the flower stem and you will see double wedding rings. Notice the bells around the rim? This sweet set was, obviously, a wedding gift to my parents. My mother received it from one of her students. It seems worth adding, by the way, that she maintains contact with that student to this day! 

Knowing my fondness for tea cups and family pieces, my mother gave it to me! I'm proudly displaying it on our antique buffet. 

The buffet mirror is distracting in photos!
The framed piece is a free printable that I downloaded a few years ago. The sunshine caused a glare on the picture no matter where I stood to photograph. 

If you have done any cleaning or purging, have you found any good treasures?