Quite some time ago,
I read about a quick way to enhance an inexpensive faux pumpkin for your autumn
décor. When I happened to see an endcap display of these Styrofoam pumpkins as I ran into my Dollar Tree for something, I snatched one. This seemed the
way to experiment since I would only be out a dollar if it failed! 😊
Using any brown shade of folk art paint, you can make a pumpkin look much more realistic. In addition to the paint, you just need paper towels and a little water. Easy-peasy!
I lightly painted the stem
with my paint and added some artificial leaves and made a pumpkin “vine” from thin
wire we had in the workbench. Overall, I was happy with the quick and simple project. You are able to observe the foam texture and that does not thrill me, but it was fun to do and I will certainly use it as I decorate for fall.
‘Orange’ you
glad it’s pumpkin time?