Monday, July 27, 2015

Waterlogue Art

Do you know about Waterlogue? It's an app you can purchase for your iPhone or iPad and it enables you to turn one of your own photos into a piece of artwork.

Here is my picture taken to show the bees "working" the tardiva hydrangea (hmmm...the bees are not as visible as I had hoped, but there are two on the left).

This is the same image after using the Waterlogue application.

When I retired, the PTO gave me this lovely orchid plant. Don't you love its
light creamy color?

Now you can see it after the app is used.

It's a lot of fun to play with Waterlogue and experiment with their different settings.
Your work could easily become suitable for copying and framing. We've had the app
for a couple of years and paid $2.50. I looked it up and it appears that it's gone up a little
bit to $2.99, but still a bargain! I've used it for people, animals, buildings and plants.