Friday, May 12, 2017


I'm a little hooked on geraniums this year. It all began when I spotted some of the lovely red flowers in the background of our new print and  I decided to accent with them, here and there, around the house.
Are you impressed with my circled enlargement? A younger, more intelligent mind taught me that trick. 😉

My mother has had this giant pot of faux geraniums for years, so I asked if I could borrow them for the season.

Ever since our first trip to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island (a favorite destination of ours), I have been particularly drawn to geraniums because they grow the best variety there! Never have I seen them so large and spectacular. Known as their trademark flower, there are more than 2,500 planted in the flower boxes across the Grand's front porch and more than 5,200 are planted in all flower beds combined.  It's amazing!

Last Saturday when we bought our bedding plants, we picked up several lovely geraniums. Not as big or lush as the Grand grows them, they are still spectacular.

Do you grow geraniums? Have you planted them yet? Enjoy your weekend and have a blessed Mother's Day! ⁕