Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tuesday's Tablescape

You're likely aware that I am a Mary Engelbreit fan, so you'll understand why my mother snapped-up this for me at a recent yard sale. Isn't it an adorable pincushion? 

I assume it had been a gift to the recipient as it was still unopened in the original packaging. 

The lid actually flips open.

This new little treasure inspired my tablescape, but it was intended to go outside. I waited for our spotty showers to move out of the area and when they finally did, the patio furniture was too wet for my idea. Oh well! It looks just as merry inside!

A candle and teacup from the Mary Engelbreit line rounded-out the centerpiece and I also used my M.E. fabric napkins.

I hope you have a merry evening! 🍒