Monday, July 8, 2019

A TOAD-ally BEE-utiful Stroll

Now that we are in full summer-mode, the flowers are a burst of color and that makes me smile. It also makes it a good time to take a stroll. Look at this cute little toad I found right away.

We are overrun with frogs and toads this year. I think all of the flood waters resulted in an amphibian bumper crop and since we back to a creek, we have tons of little visitors in our yard. 

Next, I encountered many buzzing pollinators. These bees love the purple coneflowers...

and purple bee balm.
We have many varieties of daylilies. Can you see the residual water drops remaining from being watered?

Black-eyed Susans are exceptionally showy right now, as well as
 Sombrero Salsa coneflowers.

This little patch of snapdragons are self-seeded and are so delicate and pretty.
You may recall when I planted these vining black-eyed Susans back in May. It looks like they are happy in their location.
Our hydrangeas (Little Lime variety) were planted last fall and are looking healthy and happy in the new location!
Three types of sweet potato vine grace our gate basket.
We are doing our part to boost the threatened monarch butterfly population by planting swamp milkweed/butterfly weed. We added both yellow and orange.
The blackberries are ripening and I'm excited because we should have enough for a cobbler this year. 
Larger in size than the purple bee balm shown above, this scarlet variety always reminds me of fireworks!
Yarrow is bright and pretty! It's more than a month later in blooming this year due to our weather conditions.

Now do you see why I found this to be a 
TOAD-ally BEE-utiful stroll?