Thursday, December 8, 2016

Historic Main Street

St. Charles, MO's historic Main Street district dates from the 19th century and  is comprised of quaint shops, restaurants and office spaces and, in fact, the first state capitol is located there. The area is a wonderful place to visit any time of the year, but between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve it comes alive! Seven days a week and on Wednesday and Friday nights, shops are open for business and people are greeted by International Santas and carolers among beautiful Christmas decorations.

Pine roping lines the fences and white lights twinkle as they wrap the trees and buildings of Main Street.

Large picture windows are decked-out with vintage scenes reminding people of Christmases past.
Some shops prepare elaborate displays outside their doors.

Horse drawn carriages clop along the cobblestone roadway, offering guests rides. Romeo, the only Clydesdale, wears his own green lights on his head. He loves people and playfully attempts to nibble on  your jacket when you pet his head!
Although we love the lights at nighttime, it's just as enjoyable by day. On weekends, there are parades of the Santas. If you're local, I'm sure you have experienced Main Street during Christmastime. It's important to take time to enjoy the season and visiting Main Street is one of the ways to do so. What are some things you like doing during this most wonderful time of the year?