Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday's Tablescape

Although I am not a Halloween fan, I have a few things to make a tame tablescape in honor of this holiday. I don't go for scary or gory, but I do like "cute"!

A few years ago I found this candy corn fabric at Walmart and my mother made me four napkins from my remnant. I borrowed the placemats from her to pick up the orange color.

See that metal object lying on the table next to the candy corn? It's a noise-maker. It has a handle on the back of it and when you spin it, an annoying sound is produced! It's from my childhood so I think it qualifies as an antique now.  :) 
It's cloudy and rainy today so I turned out the lights to capture this little jack-o-lantern's glow.
Are you ready for your trick-or-treaters?