Friday, April 28, 2017

Arbor Day

Happy Arbor Day! Today is the national observance, while Missouri actually celebrated it a few weeks ago on April 7. Each state declares its own date based on the optimal planting time for that region. This is the day set aside to encourage people to plant trees. Some conservation departments provide bareroot saplings for fourth graders. When I was that age, we all received sycamore trees. Mine was immediately planted in our yard and it began flourishing. As shown in the photo below, sycamores have a peeling bark which shows a lovely silvery-white color.

We photographed these trees when we visited Babler State Park.

The first Arbor Day was in the spring of 1872. Julius Sterling Morton was President Cleveland's Secretary of Agriculture and he felt his home-state of Nebraska would benefit, both economically and agriculturally, from an organized tree-planting effort. To promote his beliefs, he put in big orchards and large quantities of shade trees on his farm. His ideas and efforts ultimately grew into the first Arbor Day and it's estimated that a million trees were planted that year.  

These sycamores were also photographed at Babler.

If you're curious why I am sharing pictures of public sycamores rather than my own stately tree, it's because it no longer stands. After more than three decades of gracing our side yard, my parents were forced to have it cut down as it had grossly outgrown its spot. Too close to the house, its branches became a very real threat to the roof and corner of the house, so it had to come down. Due to its size and spread of limbs, it had to be professionally removed (and that cost a lot!!).  I loved that tree, but it lives on because my parents saved these branches when the tree service was finished and I use them, decoratively, in my solarium to this day.
Additionally, my dad made me this birdhouse from one my sycamore's branches. It hangs in the solarium in a grouping with other birdhouses.

My landscape architect husband informs me that sycamores are perfect for parks and golf courses since they are fast-growing beauties with high canopies. You know what? As it turns out, they are also perfect for fourth grade students. 🌳

Happy Arbor Day and enjoy your weekend!