Friday, April 21, 2017

Clean Air

I am trying to get to some spring cleaning and by that, I mean deep cleaning. That will include the insides and outsides of the windows, but we usually hold off on that particular task until after the spring pollen has settled. We're currently at the stage where everything outdoors is covered in a thick coat of yellow pollen fuzz. Ugh! Believe me, though, when I tell you that I have plenty of other jobs inside the house to occupy my time. When you do your housework, do you clean your air? I do! Have you heard of Lampe Berger? 

Lampe Berger is a vessel filled with specially-designed liquid which kills odors and air bacteria as it burns. Designed by a French pharmacist in the late 1800s, the system uses a catalytic burner which reaches a temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit. When you light the lamp, the fuel is heated and it releases molecules that purify the air. In Victorian times, this nifty little invention was used in hospitals. Today, many people use them in their homes.  I received mine for Christmas years ago and I have used it ever since.

I will say that there are copycat products, but all the research I have done indicates that they don't measure-up to Lampe Berger. I also know that you can buy generic brands of fuel, but those can actually harm your Lampe Berger. For that reason, I would recommend strictly following the guidelines established by this company. Vessel styles and colors are endless and range in price. The elaborate ones cost a pretty penny!  The fuels are available in many different scents making a light aroma a bonus to the clean air!

Happy Friday...and happy cleaning! 😊