Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Fort Davidson

On our recent "adventure", we were able to visit Fort Davidson in Pilot Knob, MO. Part of the state park system, this historic site provides visitors a movie, museum and grounds to learn about the Battle of Pilot Knob which was a large Civil War conflict that occurred in MO. There were over 1,300 casualties. 

To provide some knowledge on that area,  read the following historic document which I photographed in the museum. When you visit the Arcadia Valley area, you're impressed with the majestic iron mountains. They are grand and beautiful.

Fort Davidson was hexagon-shaped with packed-earth sides stretching about 150 feet long. A dry moat surrounded the fort. 

This model is on display in the museum.

We always enjoy historic stops on our getaways and find it interesting to learn new things. If you're ever in the area,  you may want to stop to explore it. It's nestled near other state parks and, in fact, is in very close proximity to Elephant Rocks State Park and Johnson's Shut Ins State Park. Both of those places are great spots to visit, too.

As I have mentioned before, our state parks are treasures. We are truly having fun discovering them as we poke around MO. How about you? What do you most appreciate about the state parks where you live?