Thursday, June 30, 2016

Queen Anne's Lace

I adore Queen Anne's Lace.
While growing up, my grandmother used to have a bouquet of wild flowers awaiting our arrival when we visited her at the lake house. Queen Anne's Lace always dotted the collection. I used to love picking it when I was little and I still do. In fact, last evening I harvested some. It grows along a nearby quiet country road, so I asked Randy if he would help in this endeavor by driving the "getaway car"! Not a huge fan of what he calls the "invasive weed", he good-naturedly agreed to the task. We quickly found a huge stand of it and he pulled over so that I could forge into the grass to collect my beautiful white flowers. I really want to grow some in our yard, but the idea isn't well-received by my resident landscape architect. Last year I talked him into transplanting a small slip of it, but it mysteriously disappeared overnight. A rabbit was accused, but I am not pointing any fingers!

Really a member of the wild carrot family, Queen Anne's Lace has an edible tap root. However,  it is too easily confused with poison hemlock which is deadly. Some subtle differences exist between the two plants, but it is very difficult to differentiate so it's best not to attempt to eat any. Just enjoy the flowers!

I hope you enjoy your day!