Thursday, November 2, 2017

Attitude of Gratitude

I know we're all grateful for so much and November, especially,  seems the month to express our thankfulness. Yesterday, I put up our thankful tree. You probably remember seeing this little pencil tree in previous years. It's a blend of faux bittersweet, leaves and acorns along with simple ribbon and custom wooden ornaments.

New this year is Mr. Owl. A gift, he reads, "A friend loves at all times..." (Proverbs 17:17a)

Out came the turkey tureen. I thought my vintage yellow dishes (a gift from a friend) went well with him on the tray.

I tweaked the dining room hutch a tiny bit.

My favorite print, First Thanksgiving, was actually a postcard I picked up in Plymouth years ago. I just top-mounted it and use each year at this time.

I have always loved not only the representation, but the muted colors.

I hung this in the dining room this year.

Perhaps, like me, you're finding it hard to believe that November is here! Are you getting ready for Thanksgiving and showing an attitude of gratitude?