Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Legend of the Five Kernels

When the Pilgrims first landed in their new land, they were met with less-than-favorable conditions. The winter was cold and harsh and food supplies were sparse. A daily ration of five kernels of corn was provided per person, per day. The following spring, they planted some of that corn and were most thankful when it grew! After a good harvest, they celebrated with a feast and invited their Native American friends to join them. From then on, five kernels always served as a of reminder of their abundant blessings.

As you eat your Thanksgiving meal, may you reflect upon your multiple blessings!

Give thanks to the Lord...
Psalm 136:1

If you're reading this post, please know that I am thankful for you. I pray that you and your loved ones have a blessed Thanksgiving.
I will post again Monday.😊