Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Fresh Sweet Corn

I was so excited when I drove past our favorite produce stand yesterday and noticed the sign advertising that the season's first sweet corn had been picked. Yum! This week's recipe is really just a reminder of the simple way to prepare corn-on-the-cob. I'm sure most of you already do this, but it's worth mentioning since it's quick and effective. 

You need a cutting board, sharp knife and your thickest oven mitt. I love my silicone one! Use your ear of corn as is without removing any of the husk. There is no need to soak it or anything.

Place it in your microwave and depending upon your appliance, select 4-5 minutes to cook. By the way, it's fine to do two or three ears at a time as long as they aren't too long from preventing your turntable to spin during cooking. 
Remove the ear with your glove and carefully cut off the end.
Hold the ear vertically and gently squeeze. The cob will slide out of the husk.
It emerges clean, without silk and ready to butter and enjoy!
I can't wait to serve some corn with our dinner this evening. Summer's fresh produce cannot be replicated. We have already had local tomatoes and berries and I plan to get the season's earliest green beans soon.

How about you? What fresh produce have you already enjoyed?