Friday, February 19, 2016

Bloomin' Beauties

Are you familiar with Lenten rose? It's an amazing plant because it always blooms during lent. It doesn't matter when it falls on the calendar, this plant knows! Easter is early this year, of course, and I happened to remember to check on ours a few days ago. See that bit of green popping through last fall's blanket of leaves?

Here is a closeup.

Lenten rose (Helleborus) is a perennial with large green leaves which are divided into multi jagged-edged sections. It grows nearly 24 inches wide and almost as tall. I believe there is a variety with white flowers, but ours are dusty pinkish-mauve and it seems that's what I typically see. A bonus to this beauty is that the blossoms are long-lasting. Very often, my parents have sprigs of this flower on their Easter table.

Not found out in the yard, this beauty sits in our windowsill. I've used this orchid before as a centerpiece so you've seen it. A retirement gift from my PTO at school, it was in full bloom when I received it last May. After the flowers faded and dried, I diligently tended to the plant and then, right after Christmas, I found two stalks growing upward! I was delighted when it began blooming again!

Aren't orchids dainty? I love their little throats.

I hope your weekend is the blooming best!