Monday, February 15, 2016


I have finally completed my quilt! It's just a small wall-hanging, but it's a quilt! Originally slated to go on the wall in my craft room, I now think I will hang it on my new copper quilt ladder. I spread it out on the floor for this picture, but I see a few spots where I didn't get it smoothed out all the way.
A friend took me through the steps of this project and I learned so much! My favorite part was selecting the bright fabrics and putting them together to complement the Mary Engelbreit fabric border. My least favorite part was ripping out a lot of stitches along the way!  I was probably the most intimidated by the binding, but I did it!

Look who photobombed my picture!

It was a personal goal to learn to quilt upon retirement, so this is something I 've really wanted to do.  I look forward to more quilting in the future!

Have a great Monday!