Monday, October 24, 2016

A "New" Bicycle Basket

Last winter, I purchased a retro-looking bike using gift cards. I had accumulated the cards from dear families at school, so it made me happy to be able to use their thoughtful gestures for this special purchase. After I published the post (New Wheels), my aunt contacted me. She wondered if I would possibly be interested in a bicycle basket she had. You bet! I not only appreciate retro style, I also love family pieces with history. I was thrilled when I recently received the adorable basket and its history. Here's its story. My aunt received the market basket decades ago from a cousin of my dad and aunt. At the time, the cousin (Sally) lived in Germany. When one rode a bike to the store or ran errands, the basket had a functional use. It has hooks which enable it to fit over the handlebars, as shown below. 
I could envision the basket being white and it was my intent to spray paint it. The more I looked at it, though, the more I realized that painting it wasn't right. I decided to let its original, natural color remain and just personalize it a bit. I attached these white daisies since I felt the color connected well to the white fenders and because daisies have that old-fashioned feel. See how the carrying handle swings up so the basket could be removed from the bike and toted around while the rider was shopping?

My aunt told me that she enjoyed using this basket for its intended purpose. I think its adorable!
Somehow in the sunlight, the bike lost its color for this picture. It's actually pale lime. In fact, I call it sherbet lime. You can't see that in this photo, though.

What do you think of my "new" bicycle basket?