Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tuesday's Tablescape

Today's table belongs to my parents! My mother and I put it together because we wanted to highlight a special centerpiece.

We decided to use my plain white dishes and, in an effort to tie-together the colors, we placed a doily leaf on top. My mother pulled-out her tangerine orange placemats.

Don't you love these "string" glasses? From the 60s, they have a textured string-like design on the outside. We used the two yellow ones, but they actually come in a variety of colors.

Now, let me tell you about the centerpiece. This pretty spouted vase belonged to my paternal grandparents. They received a pair of them as a wedding gift on June 1, 1930. My parents have one; my aunt and uncle have the other. Each fall my grandmother would fill this one with bittersweet and so we've always called it "Grandmother's bittersweet vase". In keeping with the family tradition, my aunt also fills hers with the same wild vine. In fact, she and my uncle search for, harvest and send the bittersweet to us each autumn. It goes straight from the fencerows of IN to the vase. By the way, I also receive part of the stash and sometime I will show you how I display mine.

We scattered some faux acorns and leaves for texture and color.

It's fun to imagine how many bouquets of bittersweet have been enjoyed in this vase over the years! My parents usually keep it on Grandmother's old desk (pardon the dark photo as it was taken in dim light). She bought this beauty, used, when she was a college student in the mid-1920s.

I hope this finds you enjoying your day!