Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Ants Came Marching One by One...

Although this isn't the time of year we think of ants, I wanted to try an idea for golf ball ants that I had seen online.

First you attach three old golf balls with hot glue. Allow the glue to cool/dry before proceeding. It doesn't matter if the balls are marked-up or in rough shape because they will be painted during the last step of assembly!

Snip a thin wire hanger into six legs and crimp on both ends. This creates a "foot" for one end and a "hook" to fit in the drilled hole. Cut two small pieces to be used as antennae and crimp the ends. Drill small holes in which the wires can fit. It's important that your holes are evenly spaced and at the same height on both sides so that the body is symmetrical. We (and when I say "we", I mean Randy who was nice enough to assist) had to make the holes a little deeper so that the ends of the wires would fit securely. Insert the wires, adding a drop of glue to keep the ends in place. Allow to dry.

Spray paint the ant with black paint and allow to dry. We happened to have a glossy black on hand, so I used that. I know his back left foot looks like it's sticking out straight. It isn't, but I did adjust it (and all the others) anyway!

"Plant" the ant in the garden!

If the ants come marching one by one, it's better that they are this variety... and not real!