Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Autumn Solarium

I've been intending to show how the solarium is ready for fall. You'll recognize the fireplace because I did the same thing last year at this time. I just liked the look, though, so decided to duplicate!

I wanted to layer the loveseat, so I brought out the gold afghan (made for me by a dear friend when I graduated high school) and the pillow I made last year. I don't know why I always take pictures of the this room from the same angle. I should show the other side of the area, too!

It's easy to use an old basket, or any other container, as a base for decoration. Just use what you have to fill it. I grabbed the old sycamore logs (from the Arbor Day tree seedling I received in 4th grade and when the tree outgrew its spot and my parents had to have it removed, I got the logs!), some oversized pinecones my parents brought home from a trip and my old pumpkin birdhouse. The actual bushel basket has been in the family for years and you probably recall seeing it last winter when I used it in a similar manner. 

If you're like me, you can't believe that October is nearly half over already! With all the autumn decorations, we're ready for some real fall color outside. So far, we have seen only small patches here and there. How about you? Do you have any beautiful reds, yellows or oranges where you live?