Monday, February 26, 2018

Spring Lantern "Home"

As I have little pockets of time, I have been decorating for the change of season. It's feeling more like springtime and just this weekend, we noticed lengthier daylight hours. It's such a pleasure! I took a couple of minutes Saturday to switch my "antique" lantern.

As you can observe, the morning light prevented a good picture  on the landing, so I temporarily moved the lantern to a different spot just for photography purposes.

Let's open the door to take a closer peek...

at the little bird who is nesting beneath the fern fronds.

It's a safe spot for her to raise her babies! 😉

Faux moss stones (from the dollar store a few years ago) are nestled next to the potted fern and under the little bird and her nest. A string of battery-operated fairy lights runs beneath it all. 

Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young...

                                                                         Psalm 84:3