Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday's Tablescape

It's a whimsical Valentine's Day (or as we heard in first grade, "Balentime's Day) table!

How do you like "Cupid Bear"?

He's been around for ages. His red heart contained a floral arrangement sent to me before we were married. Randy had him delivered to school on February 13th and so I left Cupid Bear on my desk since the class Balentime's Day party was to be the following afternoon. Well, a surprise snowstorm dumped enough white stuff overnight that school was cancelled and, consequently, Cupid Bear spent the holiday alone!

For today's table, I inserted a Mary Engelbreit napkin in the heart and displayed a companion teacup (a student gift)...
Doesn't Mary Engelbreit make the sweetest cups?
and a faux piece of chocolate dessert!

Simple yellow and red plates go with the cheery Mary Engelbreit napkins.

It's a cloudy winter day with some snow expected later, so how would you like to join me for a cup of Balentime's Day tea and some dessert?!