Thursday, March 14, 2019

March Winds are the Morning Yawn

We have had our fair share of winds lately and today was another excessively breezy one! We have high hopes that springtime is actually being blown into town, though,  and I think I have found evidence. Look what's poking through the bed of leaves. It's our Lenten rose and it's awakening!

Lenten rose (helleborus) is a perennial with large green leaves which are divided into multi jagged-edged sections. 
I believe there is a variety with white flowers, but ours is dusty-mauve.
I find this incredible plant intriguing because it always awakens and blooms during matter when Easter falls on the calendar. Since Ash Wednesday was last week, I realized it was time to check on this beauty's status and it made me smile when I found that it was right on schedule. It also makes me happy to know that spring is finally awakening after what has seemed like such a long winter. 

Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.
                                      Louis Grizzard