Friday, March 8, 2019

Show and Tell

Remember when you were little and had "show and tell" on Fridays? Let's pretend we are in the same class so I can show you what I made today.
It's time for the annual Home and Garden Show in St. Louis so my husband and I snuck away for a few hours to explore and stroll around. We enjoyed seeing home project/improvement contractors, vendors and experts, actual garden, pool and landscape layouts, Amish furniture, seminars and so much more. One of my favorites is the booth from our local floral company, Walter Knoll Florists. A pillar of the community since the late 1800s, this family-owned operation is now being run by their 5th and 6th generations. Each year at the Home Show, they offer floral arranging classes and I always sign-up for the fun! They teach you exactly how to replicate their featured arrangement and provide everything you will need...all for $10! We began with a basket constructed from real bark.

I did not make the bow; it was provided.

It was a very enjoyable show and tell project. 

Have a wonderful weekend!