Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christmas Front Porch

Tonight I host our book club, so everything has been getting finishing touches today. The front porch is now finished. We put up real pine roping on the railings, but I neglected to take a picture and now it's dark so I will grab one tomorrow to show.I recently redid the swag over the door and I put out the lantern which I recently repainted.

Remember when I bought this flowering kale? Since it's considered an annual and our weather has turned, I decided to cut off the tops and float them. They are resting in an oversized salad bowl, which gives you an idea of how enormous they got. They make a good centerpiece on the kitchen table!
My guests arrive soon, so I will post more outdoor pictures tomorrow. The winds are whistling and it's cold. It's a perfect night for the fireplace as we discuss our Christmas book.
I hope you have a warm and cozy evening!