Monday, December 7, 2015

Silver and Gold

Our theme is silver and gold in the great room this year. I used some silver mesh ribbon from my stash to wrap the tree and then added our ornaments we've collected through the years.

 I painted the twigs gold for the vase and this angel is one my mother made when my sister and I were very young. She's used each and every year.  My parents loaned it to me this year since I knew it would be perfect for my silver and gold mantle.

During the summer, I shopped garage sales for large picture frames. I didn't care how old or scuffed-up they were since I knew I would be spray painting them silver. These three frames cost me a grand total of $1.50 and I propped them against the gold-framed mirror which always hangs there.

 This collection of silver ornaments sits in the built-in shelves. See the trio of angels? They are candles from my dad's and aunt's childhood.

 I love the sparkle and glitz of silver and gold at Christmastime. I hope your evening sparkles, too!