Friday, January 15, 2016

New Wheels

A few weeks ago I dashed into Walmart to pick-up something and right inside the garden entrance which I had used, stood a collection of clearanced bicycles.  My eye immediately went to a few retro-looking styles. The first one to grab my attention was bright aqua with an aqua, lime and white plaid seat.

The next one I looked at was a light lime color (you can see the back of it in the photo above). I thought they were all adorable, but I went on my way. A few days later, I went back to further investigate them. Although I adored the blue (with colors which just happen to perfectly match the aqua and lime scheme on the interior of our motorhome), the seat was very uncomfortable. Of course it would be an easy switch to change it, but I would be sacrificing the cute pattern! I hopped on the green one. Not only was the seat very comfortable, but it had slightly wider tires and longer fenders (both positives).

I decided it would come home with me! I plan to take it on trips with us to ride for pleasure in the evenings (it can be accommodated in the underneath storage of the motorhome). What makes it even sweeter is that it was entirely paid for by gift cards which I had accumulated. At Christmastime and the end of the school year,  families often gifted me with cards to area stores and restaurants and I saved them to use for something special. To me, this is special!

Don't you agree that it needs a retro basket on the front, though? I'm envisioning a white one and then I can attach a lime daisy or plaid ribbon or something to dress it up!

Have a happy weekend. If I plan to ride my new wheels, I'd best do it today because we're supposed to have a cold Saturday and Sunday.