Friday, January 8, 2016

Wintertime Mantels

I mentioned earlier this week that some Christmas decorations can be enjoyed throughout the winter. I was able to simply modify some of my vignettes so that they can stretch over the next several weeks.

For example, I just switched-out two things from the Christmas mantel. It looked like this before:
The "joy" sculpture on the end and the beautiful gold angel were put away. That reminds me that I never explained about the golden angel. My mother made her when I was a kindergartener. Constructed from fabric scraps and a styrofoam "egg" head, she's put together with a starch solution so she is rigid. Then she was painted with gold spray paint. Isn't it beautiful? She is on display every Christmas, but I borrowed her this year since she was in keeping with my silver and gold theme.

Last week I tucked-in my white and gold penguins and some gold candleholders. The branches I had spray painted gold remain on the end.

The solarium (electric) fireplace mantel stayed the same. I did, however, add the old family bushel basket on the floor where the Christmas tree stood.

The three logs are from the old Sycamore tree. When I was in fourth grade, each of us received a seedling on Arbor Day from the local conservation department. I planted mine and it thrived! Many years later, it outgrew its spot and was a major threat to my parents' roof and the corner of the house. Sadly, it had to be removed (which cost a fortune) but my parents saved these logs for me for sentimental reasons. My dad also made me a birdhouse from one of the logs (I'll show that one day).

Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm! We're supposed to have our first snowfall, accompanied by extremely cold temperatures.