Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tuesday's Tablescape

Today's tablescape seems good for winter. It has a little sparkle and was inspired by a 50 cent runner I bought last summer at a garage sale.

I had this pretty centerpiece, which was a gift from my parents a few years ago, and it went perfectly on the runner.

Then I pulled out my old gold chargers, everyday white dishes and a set of Mikasa plates. The luncheon Mikasas are good for winter-use and were a bargain at a quarter a piece!

I considered using gold flatware, but ended up with silver to pull-out the silver threads in the runner. It seemed to be in keeping with the silver and gold theme.

 I've exchanged the ornaments for pinecones in my retirement jar and I think they'll do the trick all winter.

The sun is out here and the temperatures aren't bad. I hope you're having a good day!