Thursday, January 28, 2016

Winter Skin

Most of us experience dry skin in the wintertime. I will say that one of my resolutions for the new year was to drink more water and it is having a positive impact on my skin. That, coupled with our unseasonably mild temperatures, has resulted in my skin being softer than most winters (of course we can't overlook the absence of washing my hands a zillion times a day with strong antibacterial soap at school!). Here are a few products which I find very favorable for me and, perhaps, they may work for you.

A friend once recommended Trader Joe's soap and now both my mother and I are hooked! It's a wonderful tub/shower product which not only smells good, but is mild and effective. I like the way it softens my skin.

Do you have issues with dry skin on your heels? That was a biggie for me and I tried, with little success, many different products before falling in love with body scrub from Bath and Body Works. I believe they have a scrub specifically for heels, but I haven't used it. Rather, I use a dab of their body scrub on my heels three of four times a week. It comes in a variety of scents and with no exaggeration, I tell you that my heels felt better the very first time I used it!

My final unofficial endorsement is my Gold Bond hand cream. For years and years it's been part of my bedtime routine. Just before I turn-out the lights, I apply this thick, but absorbent cream. I use many other body lotions and creams, but this is just for my hands at nighttime and, for me, it works the best. 

How do you keep your skin soft in the wintertime? What are your favorite products?