Monday, January 9, 2017

Kids Against Hunger

Happy Monday! How was your weekend? The best part for us came Saturday morning when we joined other members of our church to pack meals for Kids Against Hunger. A year ago, we were introduced to this worthy organization and, in fact, I posted about it then. Rather than rewrite the particulars, please click here to learn about this humanitarian effort. We're hearing more and more people talk about their experiences with Kids Against Hunger and I feel it's worthy of promoting. In addition to churches, Scout groups, community circles and even employers are hosting pack-a-thons. If you hear of such an event coming to your area, I encourage you to consider supporting it because it is tremendously rewarding!

We had eight tables set-up and ready to go. Ten volunteers are needed to make each one of those tables work effectively.
Four tubs sit on each table and each is filled with its own designated contents. The light yellow pictured below is a powdered vitamin and mineral mixture and a blend of dehydrated vegetables is in front of that (there are clear food-handling gloves tossed on top in case you're trying to make out that!).
Rice and soy are stored in the other two tubs. Check out the giant funnel into which a scoop of each goes so that it can all be bagged!

Each carton contains 36 nutritionally-balanced packets and each packet feeds six people. This is just a portion of what was accomplished that day.

In just a few hours, our church prepared enough food to feed over 20,000 people.

If you've ever participated in any sort of program like this, you understand why we considered it such a wonderful start to our weekend. 😊