Monday, January 2, 2017

Penguin Time

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that 2017 is off to a good start. Our holidays were nice and we thoroughly enjoyed a bit of downtime last week which was a bonus! It's time to resume our regular schedules, though, and I've also begun to undecorate our home since we stretch-out our Christmas décor through New Year's Day. I always miss the twinkle of the lights, the vibrant Christmas colors and the warm glow of the candles in the windows. In addition to snowmen,  penguins are sprinkled in my winter decorations and they make me smile. The humorous little black and white birds were the theme of my classroom so they represent happiness. 🐧

My first graders used to learn this poem during our January penguin unit.

I am a bird you know quite well,
All dressed in black and white.
Even though I do have wings,
They're not designed for flight.
I waddle, waddle, waddle on my funny little feet
Across the icy snow I go
To find a fishy treat!

 Have a 'cool' day!