Friday, January 13, 2017

Winter Lantern

I love putting seasonal displays in my lantern and while I had wanted to use it on the fireplace hearth this winter, I couldn't figure out how I should incorporate it. It finally came together a few days ago when it occurred to me that it would tie-in well with just a simple snowflake.

I suspended one of my oversized snowflake ornaments from the top of the inside of the lantern. A string of mini-lights hidden beneath a layer of snow-drape is intended to imitate sparkling snow.
This is the inside of the lantern, looking down.

While this faux winter scene is pretty, the real deal is descending upon us. Sleet and freezing rain are promised to coat our streets and landscape. Schools are closed, many employees are working from home and the street crews have prepared our roads with salt and pre-treat. If it's icy where you are, be safe.

Have a good weekend!