Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tuesday's Tablescape

It's tea time! A cup of hot tea on a winter day can hit the spot. Without intending to do so, this table is a creation of family pieces.

This teapot belonged to my maternal grandma. She received it from her brother who bought it for her when he was in the service.

The platter, which is holding the teabags, was a wedding gift to my paternal great grandparents.

It was the color of these two family treasures which persuaded me to select teacups displaying various shades of blue for the place settings. Oh! By the way, the table linen was a wedding shower gift to my mother and you may recall my highlighting it in the past when I "saved" it from the stack of Goodwill donations and brought it home with me. 😊

This teacup belonged to Randy's grandma.

This one was my maternal grandma's...

and this one came from my paternal grandmother's collection.

This one, with a blip of blue is my mother's and she gave it to me many years ago.

Would you like a cup of tea in one of these
pretty little cups?