When a mirror is involved, taking a picture is always tricky! That was my experience today when I tried capturing the dining room buffet.
You certainly recognize my large glass jar. I fill it seasonally and have used it in all rooms of the house. For now, it's filled with oversized metallic acorns.
My stack of pumpkin plates add a pop of autumn color.
Don't forget to use natural elements when you decorate. Pine cones, dried grasses and feathers, for example, all add interest and texture. Especially this time of year, I often find things outside to use inside. I found these faux feathers at Michaels on sale, though, and they do the trick. Coupled with dried weeds, they achieve the look I wanted.
Don't forget to use natural elements when you decorate. Pine cones, dried grasses and feathers, for example, all add interest and texture. Especially this time of year, I often find things outside to use inside. I found these faux feathers at Michaels on sale, though, and they do the trick. Coupled with dried weeds, they achieve the look I wanted.