Monday, October 23, 2017

Something to Crow About

Have you noticed the abundance of scarecrow décor this season? Although always a part of autumn decorations, they seem to be especially plentiful this year. I've personally spotted affordable examples of these little field mannequins when I have dashed in and out of stores (and I'm not a big shopper!). Mine came from the dollar store a few years ago and they still carry them. You may recall that I used him in my large antiqued lantern in the past and the same is true this year, as you can see.
I have a string of mini lights hidden beneath the excelsior in the base of the lantern.

I recently read a wonderful article about scarecrows in our lives. The author likened worry to scarecrows and that seemed a meaningful analogy to me.  He pointed out that while these straw-stuffed decoys scare away birds, they're actually powerless on their own. The wind blows them and that frightens the birds, but in and of themselves, scarecrows can't do anything to hurt the feathered friends.  Likewise, many of the concerns we clutch seem to be quite real...but aren't. Even so, they may make us so unnerved that we flee. The author implored us not to allow scarecrows to scare us or make us hide since that would cause us to miss out on a crop of joy! 

In John 14:27 it tells us..."Peace I leave you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

One of these little guys or gals would look cute perched on a tabletop or even a mantel (I used a small one last autumn; click here to see that post). Do you have any decorative scarecrows in your fall decorations?

Remember not to let the other scarecrows in your life get the best of you because that's something to crow about!