Monday, January 29, 2018

Kids Against Hunger

Although this is the third time I have posted about Kids Against Hunger, it is definitely worth repeating. Saturday was the third year in a row that our church has hosted a pack-a-thon and we've had the privilege of participating each time. Click here to see last year's post, which actually contains another link to the first year's experience. It will enable you to read some background on this worthy endeavor which provides nutritional meals to 70 different countries throughout the world. 

Volunteers work together to fill bags of food. Each pouch is filled with a scoop of vitamin powder, 
a scoop of dehydrated vegetables and chicken flavoring,

a cup of soy and...
a cup of rice.
It is then weighed, hermetically sealed and packed in a box. Each bag will provide a family of six with a nutritionally-balanced casserole. In a desire to increase the number of meals we were able to provide last year, our church collected enough funds to purchase food for over 30,000 meals! Saturday was divided into two sessions and those of us in the first group that morning filled 70 cartons, which is equivalent to over 15,000 of the meals. It was very rewarding! Perhaps you have already had the opportunity to be a part of Kids Against Hunger. If your community hosts a packing party for them, I encourage you to consider participating so that we can help to end world hunger.

Have a blessed day!