Wednesday, January 31, 2018

A 'Step' in the Right Direction

We don't wear shoes in our house, so we shed them in the garage just before stepping inside. Since there are three stairs leading up to that door, guess where mine typically landed? I confess that we have had a few discussions about this practice of mine because it is, admittedly, an unsafe habit.

Through the years, we've tried many different storage solutions. None has proven to be too efficient, however, so when my husband found this Sunbeam "shoe closet" system, he thought it could be a step in the right direction and bought it for me.

I really like it because my footwear is easily accessible and I can see everything at a glance. An added bonus to this nifty system is the dust flap on the front. I try to share satisfactory products just in case it helps someone else who has a similar need/interest. Now the stairs look like this!

Aren't you proud of me to have started 2018 on the right foot?! Are congrat-shoe-lations in order?! 👠👟👞