Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tuesday's Tablescape

It's another winter tablescape for another winter day! Extremely cold temperatures are back and this time, they dipped so low that all of our area schools had to cancel. Our dusting of snow isn't sufficient for building snowmen, but I pulled out these dishes anyway.

I bought this set of four salad plates at a yard sale a few years ago and love them!

My "runner" is really a scarf and the centerpiece bowl was a wedding gift from my great aunt and uncle. For the season, it's filled with greenery, pinecones and a candle.

I have to say that I am really enjoying the winter tree (which you will notice in the background). Having the soft glow of the lights feels warm and cozy when it's so cold and gray outside. Lights out for this shot!

Have a warm and cozy evening!