Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Happy Haiku Day!

Did you know that today is National Haiku Day? As you are aware, this unique form of Japanese poetry consists of three lines. The first and last have a total of five syllables each, while the middle line has seven. My paternal grandmother enjoyed penning this form of poetry and I do, too. I have very fond memories of teaching haiku to my first graders each spring since their writing skills were mature enough to handle it by that point in the year. 

Here are a few of my grandmother's gems. 

White waterlily,

a fat bee has lost himself
in your golden heart.
This photo is from my archives and while it's not actually a waterlily, it is white! 😉

Scarlet maple leaf,
lend me your bright cheerful face
when I fall to earth. 

Violet in grass,
how could I bear to bring you
death by my mower?

This is one of mine which I wrote last summer when I photographed this winged beauty.

Busy butterfly,
on sweet flowers you can rest
to sip your breakfast.

Even though the day is nearly over, I want to share one more with you...

Happy Haiku Day!
If you create one of these,
will you please share it?