Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday's Tablescape

How could I resist a patio tablescape today? It was bright, sunny and warm so I decided to go for it!

My little bunny plates came from Home Goods several years ago and are perfect for spring.

The centerpiece came from our yard. As you're likely aware, I like to keep cut flowers in the house from spring's awakening until fall's frost. 

My favorite participants in this particular bouquet are the hyacinth flowers. I wish I had a scent button so you could take a whiff and enjoy them, too! Mmmmmm!

You're curious if we really ate outside this evening, aren't you? Actually, not yet. Once all the spring pollen settles, we will power wash everything, bring out the chair cushions, open the fountain, etc. Once that all happens, we will be outside on the patio virtually each evening. I can't wait!

I hope your day was bright and happy.