Friday, November 13, 2015

Hanky Tree

My mother has a collection of lovely hankies. She began collecting them as a child and continued to receive them as gifts throughout her teaching career in the 50s.

This gorgeous tatted hanky was a gift from her Grandma Taylor who made it for her.

This beautiful hanky was a gift from a student. 

This exquisite hanky was hand-made by her Grandma Taylor for the occasion of my mother's high school graduation.
This is a shot looking down at the top of the box in which all these pretty hankies are stored. Grandma Taylor made it from greeting cards and crocheted it together. Isn't it awesome? We were thinking it would be fun to display these special little treasures, so we came up with this hanky tree.
Using a four foot tinsel tree, we attached the hankies by fastening them to the branches with tiny silver clothespins.
Naturally it doesn't go outside, but we walked it out on their deck in an effort to get some good light for these pictures. It's sitting on a plant stand for display purposes.
We placed the hanky box at the base of the tree and have the graduation hanky displayed with it.

It was fun looking at and discussing the hankies as we assembled this seasonal display. We noted that purple was a popular color! Some of the hankies have scalloped edges, some have especially dainty designs and some are large in size. All of them are keepsakes!
Have a wonderful weekend!