Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Spring!

It's officially the first day of spring! Raise your hand if you're happy about that! ✋In honor of the day, I'm sharing a tulip wreath since it's perfect for springtime use. I made this a few years ago for my parents.

This honestly goes together very easily and uses just a few materials. You need a 16 inch grapevine wreath, eight bunches of tulips, thin wire and scissors. I purchased the bunches of flowers from Michaels when they were on sale for $2/each bush (in fact, I think they're on sale this week). No matter where you get them, you'll want the smaller size. The blossoms  on these are about 1.5 inches tall and the stems measure about 14 inches.  Don't get the life-sized tulip blossoms as they won't work on this project. You'll want about 20 flowers in each bunch or it will not create a full enough look to be satisfying.

Your color choices will depend upon the look you want. You could purchase all the same color, but I got four bunches of pink and four bunches of very light green.

Don't cut apart the flowers; leave them intact. Lay the first bunch on top of the wreath, bending the stems slightly to follow the contour of the wreath. Wire in place at the point where the leaves join the stem, wrapping around the entire wreath several times.

Stagger the next bundle of tulips on top of the previous, so that the flowers of the second bunch conceal the wire of the bundle beneath.

Continue all the way around the wreath, spacing carefully so that you come out evenly. When I reached the halfway point, I made sure I was on course.  

My parents' front porch is covered, so this wreath hasn't faded or weathered at all. I cannot vouch for the color fastness of the tulips on a door that's more directly hit by the elements.

May your first day of spring be filled with tulips and happiness!