Monday, March 13, 2017

Tuesday's Tablescape (on Monday)

Tuesday's tablescape is a day early because I had to take advantage of the lovely table covering I found on the patio this morning!

We awakened to the trees beautifully trimmed in snow.

This snow created a pretty landscape, but did not stick to the pavement---which pleases most people!

A few years I ago, I saw a picture where someone had set a table in the snow and it planted a seed of inspiration in my bird brain. That woman had used her nice china, but--on a lark-- I decided to pull out these plates.

The centerpiece is made of pussywillow branches, a faux bird and a vase of thistle seed. I should have taken a better close-up.

The real birds seemed a little surprised by this light snowfall. While I set the table, I saw robins flitting about and literally heard several feathered friends singing! So, what do you think? Is the snow pleasing or "fowl"?  Is this March snowfall pretty...or is it for the birds?!