Monday, March 27, 2017

Show and Tell

I recently put this vignette in the solarium.

You may remember when I made this cross a few weeks ago.

I've had this sweet little salt and pepper set for quite a few years.

Do you see the pretty little piece behind the rabbits? That's my "show and tell" and it belonged to my paternal great grandparents.

An interesting fact is that today happens to be the 115th wedding anniversary of those very people. I don't know that this celery/relish dish was a wedding gift, but it is possible. It could have been a present which was received on this date in 1902! I normally wouldn't be aware of a distant relative's anniversary without looking it up, but we have their Victorian-looking wedding certificate hanging in our house. Since I am interested in family history, I enjoy showcasing the document. During a recent dusting (which needs to be done again, I may add 😉) the March 27 date recorded on the paper jumped out at me. It wasn't uncommon to be married during the week and, in fact, they were united in holy matrimony on a Thursday all those years ago. Somewhere along the line, my grandmother received it from her parents. She, in turn, gave it to my parents. While growing up, this dish was used on our holiday tables. I recall, for example,  that it held cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving. When we built this house, my parents shared it with me since I have a special shelf in the dining room for such beauties and this normally sits in that place.  In my opinion, you should use what you have and so I often incorporate treasures in my seasonal décor. Tomorrow's tablescape has a connection to today's and also highlights family history.
