Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Springtime Mantel

Early departure of winter + late Easter = neutral springtime décor

This approach is good for now because in a few weeks I can just add some Easter touches. Until then, I came up with this mantel.
I came up with the vignette by "shopping" the house. The platter and some of the books are actually family antiques and everything is nestled on a burlap scrap.

Mr. Bunny is old. I have used and enjoyed him for years in a variety of applications. Last year, he served as a centerpiece (Tuesday's Tablescape) with shamrocks. This year he's gathered up a load of dogwood blossoms!

How is your March 1st? Ours came in like a lion with powerful winds throughout the night and it's still windy. I guess the old saying is true... March comes in like a lion
and goes out like a lamb!