Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday's Tablescape

Today's table is set in honor of Mardi Gras since it's Fat Tuesday.  Mardi Gras season actually begins on Epiphany (January 6), but is most celebrated on Fat Tuesday since that's the time people consume their fill of sweet treats before the beginning of Lent. Fat Tuesday is always the day before Ash Wednesday and falls 46 days before Easter.

The centerpiece uses the royal colors of Mardi Gras. Purple represents justice, green stands for faith and yellow-gold means power. Masks, boas and beads are worn by individuals for Mardi Gras celebrations.

King Cakes are slightly sweetened yeast treats that are usually flavored with cinnamon. Sometimes, though, they are filled with custards or jellies. The top of a King cake has colored sugar sprinkled on the white frosting. Since Epiphany (when Mardi Gras season started) represents the day the three wisemen first saw Baby Jesus, a plastic baby figure is hidden inside a King cake. The person who finds it is tagged to provide the cake the following year!

Although these little cuties cannot indulge in any sweet King Cake, they are celebrating a relaxing Mardi Paw and wish you the same!

Boas are so soft!
When the mask is too large for your little face, you can wear it around your neck!

Happy Mardi Paw Gras to you!