Thursday, February 2, 2017

Vintage Valentines

It's February so I have a few Valentine's Day decorations around the house. I always enjoy using these vintage pieces from my in-laws.

Years ago, my mother-in-law shared these delicate, intricate paper valentines and I treasure them! I believe they had belonged to her mother and aunt and were in with some vintage postcards she also provided me.

Aren't they beautiful? I display them in different spots and vary the vignettes each year. This time I decided to spotlight them on my long shelf, which my dad handcrafted for me back about 30 years ago.

I bought this paper heart garland from Current a long time ago and thought it was in keeping with the authentic paper pieces.

I received this Victorian book ages ago and tucked it in on the shelf. In addition to lovely artwork, it contains little stories, poems, verses and I will leave you with one...

Fresh as the flowers, may all you pleasures be!