Thursday, April 7, 2016

Granddad's Desk

With the completion of the flooring project, I am putting things back into place. It's a good thing that I purposely blocked-out several days this week from my usual activities/commitments because I have needed the time (and I still need more!). As I have been working on the den, I decided to change around a few things. The room centers around a lovely family piece that my dad gave me about 10 years ago. It's my granddad's desk.

It takes a little muscle-power to wrestle this heavy beauty, but the installers did just fine! Solid wood, Granddad acquired it while a college student around 1920. Think of the paperwork that's been done on this desktop over the years! After studying during school, he went on to have a long career in public education administration. When I received the desk, I decided to have it professionally stripped and then refinished (natural color)by my brother-in-law. I was asked about the ink stains on the top and in the drawer, which were results of leaky ink wells. I felt strongly about their remaining, however, as they help tell this desk's story.

I love family pieces! I will show another picture when I wrap-up the remainder of this room.

What are some of the family treasures in your home?